Sumihiro Investments, LLC has been engaged to assist Valueraum Biologics, a South Korean company, in their establishment of a U.S. manufacturing plant.
Valueraum Biologics is a producer of Non-GMO, Non-Antibiotic, Non-Growth, environmentally friendly vegetable, and poultry supplements that has gone through extensive testing in Asia. In poultry, the supplements have increased protein, reduced cholesterol, and reduced time to market. Average mortality rate on test groups has been below 2% and average Feed Conversion Rate is below 1.
In vegetables, the supplement has been shown to increase size and enhance flavor profiles. Recent studies have also shown overall increases in Brix sugar content and overall crop yield for strawberries, cucumbers, and sweet potatoes. Further studies are being planned to determine the growth rate on livestock and the increase in THC for cannabis plants.
Valueraum is represented by Denver based Sumihiro Investments, LLC. “Given the global need to increase poultry and crop yield in an environmentally friendly manner, while reducing operating expenses, we believe this is the right company and product to make a disruptive impact over several industries,” says Gary Sumihiro, President of Sumihiro Investments.